7th Grade ELA 2020-2021 Assignments

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Letter to My Future Self in Google Classroom

Letter to My Future Self

In this document, there are some ideas of what you may want to remember about the world or yourself next year. 

Use these ideas to write a handwritten letter to yourself. If you don’t want Mr. Nichols to read it, fold it up and seal it in an envelope. When you are getting ready to graduate from 8th grade, I will give it back to you so you can reflect on how things used to be!

When you are done, you can drop off the letter to me, and I will hold onto it until the time comes. 


Final Sites Project in Google Classroom

Final Sites Project

Hey everyone! 

Here, I've assigned the rubric for your final project. We have covered it piece by piece, and today we covered the last. I have also attached my project example if you need to use it for reference or have any questions.

Your project is due FRIDAY, 5/21! Make sure you work hard to get this done!


Journal 46 - 5/21 in Google Classroom

Journal 46 - 5/21

This is it! The final Daily Journal of the school year! 

Please take your time to finish this. Answer each question HONESTLY and COMPLETELY. 

I would like to see more than one word answers for the final journal!


Final Sites Project - Self Reflection in Google Classroom

Final Sites Project - Self Reflection

Read through the final rubric one more time, and grade yourself honestly. 

Put in points AND comments on the grade you believe your project has earned.

If you have a section where you feel you are lacking on points, use this to reflect on what you should go back and revise!


Journal 45 - 5/20 in Google Classroom

Journal 45 - 5/20


Journal 44 - 5/19 in Google Classroom

Journal 44 - 5/19


Journal 43 - 5/18 in Google Classroom

Journal 43 - 5/18


Journal 42 - 5/17 in Google Classroom

Journal 42 - 5/17


Journal 41 - 5/14 in Google Classroom

Journal 41 - 5/14


Journal 40 - 5/13 in Google Classroom

Journal 40 - 5/13


Journal 39 - 5/12 in Google Classroom

Journal 39 - 5/12


Journal 38 - 5/11 in Google Classroom

Journal 38 - 5/11


Journal 37 - 5/10 in Google Classroom

Journal 37 - 5/10


Journal 36 - 5/7 in Google Classroom

Journal 36 - 5/7


Journal 35 - 5/6 in Google Classroom

Journal 35 - 5/6


Journal 34 - 5/5 in Google Classroom

Journal 34 - 5/5


Journal 33 - 5/4 in Google Classroom

Journal 33 - 5/4


Journal 32 - 5/3 in Google Classroom

Journal 32 - 5/3


Journal 31 - 4/30 in Google Classroom

Journal 31 - 4/30


RQ #4 - Legacy in Google Classroom

RQ #4 - Legacy

For our final research question, you will look at the legacy of your group today. Through all the research you have completed, you should have a good idea of the most important things your group has done, and you should be able to explain to others why your group should be remembered. Each group is extremely important in its own way!

Make sure you pay attention to the directions of the assignment and rewatch my Class Recording from Monday 4/26 if you need. There are three parts to this research question, and each builds into the next. Your information from previous research questions should help in your process of completing RQ #4, but further research may be required.


Journal 30 - 4/29 in Google Classroom

Journal 30 - 4/29


Journal 29 - 4/28 in Google Classroom

Journal 29 - 4/28


Journal 28 - 4/27 in Google Classroom

Journal 28 - 4/27


Journal 27 - 4/26 in Google Classroom

Journal 27 - 4/26


Journal 26 - 4/23 in Google Classroom

Journal 26 - 4/23


RQ #3 - Impact of Groups in Google Classroom

RQ #3 - Impact of Groups

This week, you will look at the interactions that were had between different groups during Westward Expansion. There are plenty of important things that happened between ALL groups, and you have likely found plenty of ideas so far in your research! 

Make sure you carefully read the directions in the assignment and WATCH MY VIDEO if you are not in class so you understand how to complete the research for this week; there are a lot of little pieces that go into this research question, but you should have a great start on it if you have kept up on your reading of books on Epic and RQ #1 and #2. 

Let me know if you have any questions after reading the directions! I know there are a lot, but the directions should make this RQ super easy! Don't forget to fully explain the interactions with at least 4-6 GOOD sentences in each box


Journal 25 - 4/22 in Google Classroom

Journal 25 - 4/22


Journal 24 - 4/21 in Google Classroom

Journal 24 - 4/21


Journal 23 - 4/20 in Google Classroom

Journal 23 - 4/20


Journal 22 - 4/19 in Google Classroom

Journal 22 - 4/19


Journal 21 - 4/16 in Google Classroom

Journal 21 - 4/16


RQ #2 - Westward Expansion Group Timeline in Google Classroom

RQ #2 - Westward Expansion Group Timeline

For this week's research question, you will outline 10 important events that affected your group during Westward Expansion. Try to focus on major events that impacted your group in some way (socially, culturally, physically, etc.). If you are covering multiple people (different Native American tribes, Pioneer groups, Women in the West, etc.), make sure your important events are in chronological order, but feel free to cover the 10 most important events that affected any of these people/groups!

Each slide should include:
-A title for the event and the date
-A picture
-Why the event is important
-What significance did it have for your group
-What significance did it have during Westward Expansion


Journal 20 - 4/15 in Google Classroom

Journal 20 - 4/15


Vocab Quiz Corrections in Google Classroom

Vocab Quiz Corrections

Using any questions you missed on the Westward Expansion Vocab Quiz, complete the following assignment with correct definitions, explanations, and answers. For each correct response, you are able to earn half that point back which will go a long way on an assessment grade! The directions are as follows:

1. Write whether the question was matching or fill-in.
2. List the word/phrase and correctly define it.
3. (If it is a fill-in) Write out and answer the entire question and explain the correct answer.


Journal 19 - 4/14 in Google Classroom

Journal 19 - 4/14


Journal 18 - 4/13 in Google Classroom

Journal 18 - 4/13


Journal 17 - 4/12 in Google Classroom

Journal 17 - 4/12


Journal 16 - 4/9 in Google Classroom

Journal 16 - 4/9


RQ #1 - Westward Expansion in Google Classroom

RQ #1 - Westward Expansion

This week, we will look at the importance of your group and their lasting impact. We will start by answering some general information about them before drafting a short script for the video you will record explaining who is in your group and why they are/were important to Westward Expansion. 

On Friday, we will cover Flipgrid and work to record the video that covers your first RQ. Make sure you keep up on your work!


Journal 15 - 4/8 in Google Classroom

Journal 15 - 4/8


Journal 14 - 4/7 in Google Classroom

Journal 14 - 4/7


Journal 13 - 4/6 in Google Classroom

Journal 13 - 4/6


Journal 12 - 4/1 in Google Classroom

Journal 12 - 4/1


Three Topic Trial in Google Classroom

Three Topic Trial


Westward Expansion - Vocab Quiz in Google Classroom

Westward Expansion - Vocab Quiz

Be sure to answer EACH part of every question for full points!

All answers MUST be in your own words! Any answers clearly taken from a Google search will be marked WRONG.


Journal 11 - 3/31 in Google Classroom

Journal 11 - 3/31


Westward Expansion - Other Key Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Westward Expansion - Other Key Vocabulary

We will complete the first half of this assignment Monday and the rest on Tuesday.

Make sure you follow along with the definitions provided in class or in my prerecorded video before associating words from People and General Vocab with these new words. Be sure to explain why you associate these words as well!


Journal 10 - 3/30 in Google Classroom

Journal 10 - 3/30


Journal 9 - 3/29 in Google Classroom

Journal 9 - 3/29


Journal 8 - 3/26 in Google Classroom

Journal 8 - 3/26


Westward Expansion - People and General Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Westward Expansion - People and General Vocabulary

We will complete the first half of this assignment on Tuesday, and the rest on Thursday.

Make sure you follow along with the definitions provided in class or my prerecorded video before you include a picture and your OWN definition!


Journal 7 - 3/25 in Google Classroom

Journal 7 - 3/25


Journal 6 - 3/24 in Google Classroom

Journal 6 - 3/24


Journal 5 - 3/23 in Google Classroom

Journal 5 - 3/23


Journal 4 - 3/22 in Google Classroom

Journal 4 - 3/22


Westward Expansion Introduction in Google Classroom

Westward Expansion Introduction


Journal 3 - 3/10 in Google Classroom

Journal 3 - 3/10


Journal 2 - 3/9 in Google Classroom

Journal 2 - 3/9


The Raven in Google Classroom

The Raven


Journal 1 - 3/8 in Google Classroom

Journal 1 - 3/8


Compare/Contrast Essay: Final Draft in Google Classroom

Compare/Contrast Essay: Final Draft

Using any feedback, suggestions, or revisions from your Rough Draft, work to construct your Final Draft here!


Journal 41 - 3/5 in Google Classroom

Journal 41 - 3/5


Journal 40 - 3/4 in Google Classroom

Journal 40 - 3/4


Compare/Contrast Essay: Rough Draft in Google Classroom

Compare/Contrast Essay: Rough Draft

Using the Essay Outline you filled out covering our Core Text and the Independent Book on Epic / Short Story shared on Classroom, write your Rough Draft here!


Journal 39 - 3/3 in Google Classroom

Journal 39 - 3/3


Journal 38 - 3/2 in Google Classroom

Journal 38 - 3/2


Journal 37 - 3/1 in Google Classroom

Journal 37 - 3/1


Journal 36 - 2/26 in Google Classroom

Journal 36 - 2/26


Essay Outline in Google Classroom

Essay Outline

Read the directions in the attached Outline.

Using the thesis and claims you created in Argument Organization, begin outlining your essay that compares and contrasts two texts within the genre of Adventure!

If you need a quick refresher on the main points from the Menagerie, check out this link: https://theprettygoodgatsby.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/the-menagerie-by-tui-t-sutherland/

This will not be a thorough understanding, so you may still need to refer back to the book, but it will give you a good place to start!


Journal 35 - 2/25 in Google Classroom

Journal 35 - 2/25


Argument Organization in Google Classroom

Argument Organization

As we begin our final essay, we will start by creating a thesis statement to drive your writing as well as three strong claims to guide your body paragraphs.

Make sure you answer each question in the document! The thesis and claims you create will transfer into the Outline we begin on Thursday.


Journal 34 - 2/24 in Google Classroom

Journal 34 - 2/24


Journal 33 - 2/23 in Google Classroom

Journal 33 - 2/23


Guided Notes: 2/23 in Google Classroom

Guided Notes: 2/23


Journal 32 - 2/22 in Google Classroom

Journal 32 - 2/22


Short Story: Final in Google Classroom

Short Story: Final

Once you have finished your short story, make sure you read it through AT LEAST one last time! Make sure you have added ALL the detail and dialogue you think is necessary, and be sure that you've hit two full pages with at least one line on a third page. Check back to the Word Choice & Dialogue slideshow from yesterday as you make your final revisions to the dialogue in your story and the other ways to say "said".

The rubric is attached here as well, and it will also be useful to read through the rubric again to make sure you have hit every point and section within so you can get all the credit!


Journal 31 - 2/19 in Google Classroom

Journal 31 - 2/19


Short Story: First Draft in Google Classroom

Short Story: First Draft

In this document, use all the information you have created thus far (characters, setting, plot, structure, etc.) to write your very own short story!

A copy of the rubric is attached to view, and a copy of the rubric and a blank document will be assigned later this week for you to submit your final draft and revisions of your short story.

The document is already preset to Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double spaced lines. DO NOT CHANGE THESE SETTINGS!

You will need to include your title and name within the document in place of the two lines already included at the top. If you have an idea for a title before you begin or if your title will come to you once you have finished the story, either way is fine! Try to come up with a catchy or witty title that fits you and your story. Let me know if you have questions!

Since this is the first draft of your short story, it will earn points based on length, effort, and completion with the full 60 points being part of the final draft and submission only.


Journal 30 - 2/18 in Google Classroom

Journal 30 - 2/18


Journal 29 - 2/17 in Google Classroom

Journal 29 - 2/17


Short Story Structure in Google Classroom

Short Story Structure

This week, we began by outlining potential story structures with the Story Spine. Then, you created the characters, protagonist and antagonist, that will be in your story.

In Short Story Structure, you will finalize the outline for the story you will tell! Fill in as much information as you can in each box so you have a great starting point and even better outline to your own unique short story that we will begin on Tuesday.

You may have some new ideas over the weekend, but this assignment should be the final structure that you plan to follow for your short story, so take the last steps today toward creating your first draft!


Journal 28 - 2/16 in Google Classroom

Journal 28 - 2/16


Journal 27 - 2/11 in Google Classroom

Journal 27 - 2/11


Short Story Character Creation in Google Classroom

Short Story Character Creation

Yesterday, we began outlining possibilities for the short story you will write. To fill your world, it will need some characters!

Today, we will work to create the protagonist and antagonist of your story. The questions in this document are very similar to the Character Studies we completed a few weeks ago, and they will serve to help you create a well rounded bunch of characters.

Before you begin, watch the following video titled, "How to Create a Great Character". This will give you some insight into what may need to be included to hopefully make your characters likeable, competent, and active within your story!



Journal 26 - 2/10 in Google Classroom

Journal 26 - 2/10


Short Story Spine in Google Classroom

Short Story Spine

In class, we will watch "Introduction to Structure" and the "Story Spine" video ("Story Spine" starting at 3:51) from the following Khan Academy link:


After this, we will begin outlining the short story you will write next week! The outline you create today may change a bit, or a lot, by the time we start writing next Tuesday, but this will be very useful as you outline some important aspects of the story you may want to tell as well as the message/theme you may want to have in your story!


Journal 25 - 2/9 in Google Classroom

Journal 25 - 2/9


Journal 24 - 2/8 in Google Classroom

Journal 24 - 2/8


Compare/Contrast Quick-Write in Google Classroom

Compare/Contrast Quick-Write

Make sure you read the directions here and in the document entirely!

For this assignment, we will compare and contrast "Harrison Bergeron" to "The Lottery". Your response MUST include a Thesis Statement (see "Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements" attached below) AND at least three paragraphs, 4-6 sentences each.

In your writing, you will also argue which story would be better for potential or current readers of dystopian fiction. Make sure you include evidence from both stories to really explain your comparisons/contrasts!

Since this is practice for the quick writing you will need to complete on your AIR Tests, I will be using the AIR rubric to grade your response, which is also attached below.


Journal 23 - 2/5 in Google Classroom

Journal 23 - 2/5


Journal 22 - 2/4 in Google Classroom

Journal 22 - 2/4


Comparing Texts within a Genre in Google Classroom

Comparing Texts within a Genre

This week, we will read two short stories within the genre of Dystopian Fiction (full description in the directions of the assignment).

On Monday, we will read and respond to Harrison Bergeron. A video and pdf link are both attached. Make sure you complete the Harrison Bergeron section of Comparing/Contrasting Short Stories within a Genre on Monday.

On Tuesday, we will read and respond to The Lottery. A video and pdf link are both attached. Make sure you complete The Lottery's section of Comparing/Contrasting Short Stories within a Genre on Tuesday.

The rest of this week, you will work to compare and contrast the two stories, and that assignment will be posted Thursday! We begin writing our own short stories next week, so this will give you a glimpse into some really awesome works!


Journal 21 - 2/3 in Google Classroom

Journal 21 - 2/3


Journal 20 - 2/2 in Google Classroom

Journal 20 - 2/2


Journal 19 - 2/1 in Google Classroom

Journal 19 - 2/1


Journal 18 - 1/29 in Google Classroom

Journal 18 - 1/29


Quiz #1: Characters, Setting, and Plot in Google Classroom

Quiz #1: Characters, Setting, and Plot


Zooming In with Dialogue in Google Classroom

Zooming In with Dialogue

The rules and purpose of Dialogue will be covered in the attached slideshow in class. After that, we will complete "Zooming In with Dialogue" to practice working with writing about the little details and creating dialogue, both of which will be very useful for your short story that is coming up!


Journal 17 - 1/28 in Google Classroom

Journal 17 - 1/28


Journal 16 - 1/27 in Google Classroom

Journal 16 - 1/27


Quiz #1: Study Guide in Google Classroom

Quiz #1: Study Guide


Journal 15 - 1/26 in Google Classroom

Journal 15 - 1/26


Journal 14 - 1/25 in Google Classroom

Journal 14 - 1/25


Journal 13 - 1/22 in Google Classroom

Journal 13 - 1/22


Conflict and Resolution in Google Classroom

Conflict and Resolution

Part of this assignment deals with the different types of conflict (Character vs. Character, Self, Society, and Nature). Check out the Disney video examples below to get a great example of each!

Character vs. Character (Frozen)

Character vs. Self (Tangled)

Character vs. Society (Mulan)

Character vs. Nature (Moana)


Journal 12 - 1/21 in Google Classroom

Journal 12 - 1/21


Journal 11 - 1/20 in Google Classroom

Journal 11 - 1/20


Character Study: Protagonist in Google Classroom

Character Study: Protagonist


Character Study: Antagonist in Google Classroom

Character Study: Antagonist


Journal 10 - 1/19 in Google Classroom

Journal 10 - 1/19


Journal 9 - 1/15 in Google Classroom

Journal 9 - 1/15


Journal 8 - 1/14 in Google Classroom

Journal 8 - 1/14


Character Types in Adventure in Google Classroom

Character Types in Adventure


Journal 7 - 1/13 in Google Classroom

Journal 7 - 1/13


Journal 6 - 1/12 in Google Classroom

Journal 6 - 1/12


Journal 5 - 1/11 in Google Classroom

Journal 5 - 1/11


Guided Notes: 1/7 - 1/8 in Google Classroom

Guided Notes: 1/7 - 1/8


Journal 4 - 1/8 in Google Classroom

Journal 4 - 1/8


Independent Reading Selection in Google Classroom

Independent Reading Selection

Throughout this quarter, you will also need to select and read one of the books from the Unit 3 collection assigned to you on Epic. The book selection can be found in this Sign-up Form.

Fill out this Google Form with your name and the book you will be reading independently. At the end of the quarter, you will write an essay that compares/contrasts your independent reading book to our Core Text, The Menagerie.


Journal 3 - 1/7 in Google Classroom

Journal 3 - 1/7


Journal 2 - 1/6 in Google Classroom

Journal 2 - 1/6


Journal 1 - 1/5 in Google Classroom

Journal 1 - 1/5


Journal 32 - 12/17 in Google Classroom

Journal 32 - 12/17


Final Website Project (Rubric) in Google Classroom

Final Website Project (Rubric)

For the Final Project that we have been building up to with our research, you will create a Google Sites presentation that contains all of the research you have done so far!

Use this rubric as a checklist! This will be how I grade your final project.

If you have questions or comments on your project, feel free to add them here so I can answer questions and give feedback!


Journal 31 - 12/16 in Google Classroom

Journal 31 - 12/16


Website Self Reflection in Google Classroom

Website Self Reflection

Go through the final rubric for your website and grade yourself! Include how many points you believe you have earned for each section in the “Points Earned” column, and leave comments as well! In your comments, tell me about the work you did and why you think you have earned the number of points that you have listed. I will take your comments into consideration as I grade your final project.


Journal 30 - 12/15 in Google Classroom

Journal 30 - 12/15


Journal 29 - 12/14 in Google Classroom

Journal 29 - 12/14


Journal 28 - 12/11 in Google Classroom

Journal 28 - 12/11


Journal 27 - 12/10 in Google Classroom

Journal 27 - 12/10


Journal 26 - 12/9 in Google Classroom

Journal 26 - 12/9


Journal 25 - 12/8 in Google Classroom

Journal 25 - 12/8


Journal 24 - 12/7 in Google Classroom

Journal 24 - 12/7


Journal 23 - 12/4 in Google Classroom

Journal 23 - 12/4


Journal 22 - 12/3 in Google Classroom

Journal 22 - 12/3


Bibliography/Works Cited in Google Classroom

Bibliography/Works Cited

Watch my video explanation, and read through the directions and examples listed in the assignment. Then, fill in AT LEAST 5 titles and authors from resources you have used in your research. This part should be done today, Monday.

On Tuesday, we will expand on the Bibliography and review the steps to complete one, but be sure to have your authors and titles completed on Monday to save time later this week!


Journal 21 - 12/2 in Google Classroom

Journal 21 - 12/2


Journal 20 - 12/1 in Google Classroom

Journal 20 - 12/1


Journal 19 - 11/30 in Google Classroom

Journal 19 - 11/30


Journal 18 - 11/24 in Google Classroom

Journal 18 - 11/24


Journal 17 - 11/23 in Google Classroom

Journal 17 - 11/23


Research Question #3 - 11/17 in Google Classroom

Research Question #3 - 11/17

Today, you begin research on the breakdown of your system and diseases that affect it!

The outline for this week is as follows:

Tuesday - First, watch the following video to introduce some cool things about what the human body can live without: https://video.link/w/Aaozb
Then, read through and summarize two articles about what happens when your system begins to breakdown that are provided below for you here on Classroom, or find articles of your own and have them approved by me. You may also use the chapter of a text that I have posted as a PDF on this announcement. In this announcement, also click on The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions, scroll down to the Related Pages section, and find your system (for example, Skeletal System: Facts, Functions & Diseases). You may also use the related articles found under Related Pages to select an article about an organ in your system (for example, The Bladder: Facts, Functions & Diseases). The article about your system and an article about an organ in your system can serve as your two selected articles that you will read through and summarize.

Wednesday - Catch up day: Work on RQ #1-3, or your Textual Analysis Final Draft.

Thursday/Friday - Read through and summarize two articles about two diseases that affect your system, and cover things like: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, severity, etc. Within the articles that you read through and summarized for the first part of this assignment, you can click the links to specific diseases within the Disease section of the article (for example, you can click the word "osteoporosis" in the Skeletal System article to take you to a page about osteoporosis). Email me with questions if you cannot find the links.

Make sure you are keeping track of ANY AND ALL resources you use while you research. Next week, we will begin the Bibliography of all the resources you have used so far, and you will need to have a list of EVERYTHING you have used as a resource from books, to articles, to videos, and more!


Journal 16 - 11/20 in Google Classroom

Journal 16 - 11/20


Journal 15 - 11/19 in Google Classroom

Journal 15 - 11/19


Journal 14 - 11/18 in Google Classroom

Journal 14 - 11/18


Journal 13 - 11/17 in Google Classroom

Journal 13 - 11/17


Research Question #2 - 11/10 in Google Classroom

Research Question #2 - 11/10

Today, you begin research on the organs and tissues involved in your system!

The outline for this week is as follows:

Tuesday/Wednesday - Complete the "Organs of the ____ System" section of RQ #2, explaining the functions of ALL the organs involved in your system with enough information to develop a paragraph about each. (Skeletal system people, use bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Muscular system people, choose any 6 muscles from anywhere in the body to research and explain their functions, locations, and purpose)

Thursday/Friday - Complete the "Tissues of the ____ System" section of RQ #2, explaining the functions of EACH type of tissue, where/if those tissues are involved in your system, and how that tissue type affects the organs of your system.

If you need help determining which organs you need to include, or need help deciding on muscles in the muscular system, let me know! Send me an email!


Journal 12 - 11/13 in Google Classroom

Journal 12 - 11/13


Journal 11 - 11/12 in Google Classroom

Journal 11 - 11/12


Journal 10 - 11/11 in Google Classroom

Journal 10 - 11/11


Journal 9 - 11/10 in Google Classroom

Journal 9 - 11/10


RQ #2 Diagram - 11/9 in Google Classroom

RQ #2 Diagram - 11/9

For Monday, you will watch some videos introducing the organs and tissues of the body. After you watch these, use this diagram to draw and label all the organs in your system!

Virtual students, you have a few options: you can stop in to the school and pick up a physical copy from me, you can print it off at home if you are able, you could trace the outline of the body onto paper at home and illustrate it there, you could free-hand the outline on paper at home and label each part, or you could draw each organ individually on paper at home. I will need to see a picture or get a physical copy if you print/draw at home, as this image will eventually belong on your website that we create in a few weeks!


Journal 8 - 11/9 in Google Classroom

Journal 8 - 11/9


Organs and Tissues Intro - 11/9 in Google Classroom

Organs and Tissues Intro - 11/9

First, watch my video explaining today's lesson and the outline for the week.

Then, watch the videos linked in the assignment "Organs and Tissues Introduction" and read the directions within.


Journal 7 - 11/6 in Google Classroom

Journal 7 - 11/6


Research Question #1 - 11/2 in Google Classroom

Research Question #1 - 11/2

First, watch the video attached to see what your assignments for the day are.

Next, complete your daily journal.

Then, start looking through the vocabulary assignment (Human Body Vocab 1), which is due on Wednesday. You can get started on it today to have less to work on later!

Last, begin working on RQ#1.


Human Body RQ#1 - Writing in Google Classroom

Human Body RQ#1 - Writing

AFTER you complete your initial research and I have gone over it, use what you have found to draft some paragraphs that will come in very handy for the website you will create in a few weeks!


Journal 6 - 11/5 in Google Classroom

Journal 6 - 11/5


Human Body Vocab 1 in Google Classroom

Human Body Vocab 1

Complete this list of ten vocabulary words that will help you as you research more of the Human Body!

First, include the definition of the word. Then, create an original sentence that uses the word.


Journal 5 - 11/4 in Google Classroom

Journal 5 - 11/4


Journal 4 - 11/2 in Google Classroom

Journal 4 - 11/2


Journal 3 - 10/30 in Google Classroom

Journal 3 - 10/30


Topic Selection in Google Classroom

Topic Selection

Topics will be decided in class. If you do not pick a topic in class, one will be sent to you based on the topics you have researched in "Topic Exploration" and the "3 Topic Trial". If you do not have any research, and are not in class, a topic will be decided for you, and you will need to complete this assignment with your selected topic.


3 Topic Trial in Google Classroom

3 Topic Trial

Using your 5 topics from Topic Exploration, narrow that list down to 3. Expand on your research as well, spending 20 minutes with each topic and answering ALL questions for each.


Journal 2 - 10/29 in Google Classroom

Journal 2 - 10/29


Human Body Research Topics in Google Classroom

Human Body Research Topics

In class, topics will be introduced a little more in depth before we continue with the research today. If you need to refer back to the slideshow from today for research purposes, or if you miss class, it is posted here as well.


Topic Exploration - 10/28 in Google Classroom

Topic Exploration - 10/28

Today, we are starting our Daily Journals. These will be at least one complete sentence that answers the posted question, and will be done at the start of class every day as a very short writing process.

Next, we are continuing the research for our Unit. You will explore 5 topics today, and narrow it down to one by the end of the week. Let me know if you have questions!


Journal 1 - 10/28 in Google Classroom

Journal 1 - 10/28


Intro to the Human Body - 10/27 in Google Classroom

Intro to the Human Body - 10/27

Start with the video posted here, and then review the Human Body Intro slides as needed.

Read through the directions in "Intro to the Human Body", watch the videos linked within, and list some interesting or important facts that you learn from them.

Last, start looking through Epic Books for potential resources that you will explore in depth tomorrow as we begin our research on the Human Body!


Textual Analysis Essay Rough Draft in Google Classroom

Textual Analysis Essay Rough Draft


Textual Analysis Outline in Google Classroom

Textual Analysis Outline


Guided Notes 10/8 in Google Classroom

Guided Notes 10/8


Theme Practice in Google Classroom

Theme Practice


Guided Notes 10/6 in Google Classroom

Guided Notes 10/6


Getting Creative with Prefixes and Suffixes in Google Classroom

Getting Creative with Prefixes and Suffixes


Changing the Story by Changing the Words! in Google Classroom

Changing the Story by Changing the Words!


Using Context Clues in Google Classroom

Using Context Clues


Wednesday 9/23 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 9/23

Hey everyone, today we will completing as many IRLA meetings as we can get through, so things will look a little different. We will start class as normal so I can take attendance and let people know the IRLA schedule, but then we will break off for classwork and meetings. Check out the instructions below:

First, watch my Day 3 video under Class Recordings to see the directions for today. Next, complete BOTH assignments below, as well as your 30 minutes of Independent Reading and your Daily Reading Ticket.

The vocab assignment is due Friday, 9/25, but it shouldn't take long to complete.

The "Everyone's A Critic" writing assignment is due today! You have the entire class period to finish this assignment, as well as getting started on, or even finish, your 30 minutes of reading and your Reading Ticket.

Send me an email if you have any questions, and I will respond as soon as I can. Have a great day!


Creative Quick Write in Google Classroom

Creative Quick Write