Hello to the Third Week of Online Learning!

First, I wish to commend you for the job well done so far. I am impressed with the work you are submitting and the responses/questions I am getting from you. Pretty soon we will become experts in this digital learning.

Also, thank you to those of you who signed up to BrainPop and joined our class. This way we can stay connected better and each of you can turn in your own work. If you still have not joined us, please follow the directions that are posted on google classroom. If you need help, email or message me on google classroom or class dojo.

You are doing a great job with the “daily check-in posts.” The answers will be posted weekly on the following Tuesday morning so please check in the announcement every Tuesday. To answer the very first post, these are bunnies and they are growing well and getting bigger every day. Pictures of them (including the mommy) and videos can be found on google classroom.

Additionally, for those of you who like schedules and more routine in your day, I have attached a schedule (below) that you are welcome to follow or you may use it as a template to create your own. Having a schedule, will help you organize your day better, accomplish your tasks, and you will not need to do school work at night when you should be sleeping.

I think that’s all for now! Stay in touch and email or message me with any questions you might have.

Stay well, stay healthy, and keep washing your hands,

Mrs. Walton