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  • 8th Grade Graduation video containing images of the Class of 2022 from birth to now as well as some videos of them explaining where they will go for high school, what they look forward to, what they will miss about their L. Hollingworth family, and shoutouts to their class! 13:38 8th Grade Graduation

    Hey everyone! With the help of our students and families, we put together this video showcasing just how far our 8th graders have come as they move on to big things in high school. We tried to give everyone a glimpse at how much has changed for them over the years, and we hope you enjoy seeing their progress and hearing what the Class of 2022 has to say!

    The video will be shown at the 8th Grade Graduation ceremony on May 26th, but if you ever want to pause on a picture, rewatch for memories, or listen to the stories they had to tell, it's here for you!

    Once a Patriot, ALWAYS a Patriot!

    Uploaded May 25, 2022 by Martin Nichols (3 Years of Service)
  • Middle School Student Council - Go Out and Vote! 1:50 Go Out and Vote! - 7/8 Student Council

    Special thanks to Mrs. Claes and the middle school Student Council team for putting together this video! We encourage you to make your voice heard. Go out and vote today!

    Uploaded Nov 03, 2020 by Martin Nichols (3 Years of Service)
  • How To Check Missing Work On GoogleClassroom 1:29 How To Check Missing Work On GoogleClassroom

    Hey students and parents! Here is a short video showing you where you can check all your missing work for every class!

    Uploaded Oct 07, 2020 by Amanda Whitehead (5th Year of Service)

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