Senior Shadow

Hello all, 
I have a senior high school student shadowing my classes for the next few days. Here is his introduction letter: 

My name is Abdulrazaq Elhag and I am a senior at Toledo Islamic Academy. At TIA, graduating seniors are required to complete a senior project on a career they are interested in. I chose to spend my year learning about careers in teaching. 

Ms. Claes kindly agreed to allow me to shadow her classes during the week of Dec. 2- 6. Iā€™m very excited for the opportunity to get to learn about what it is like to be an educator at L. Hollingworth over the course of this week, and hope that I can also lend a helping hand during my time here!

I want to make myself available to anyone who has any questions or concerns about my project or anything to do with my time at L. Hollingworth. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] anytime.