Learning Plan Tuesday April 28, 2020

Good morning!  The sun is out and hopefully stays out so you can enjoy it.  I went for a short walk yesterday and hope to take a longer walk today.  What can you do outside today?
Join me for Zoom today at 10:00AM  or at 2:00PM  We can visit, share and I can read to you.
Let's try to keep things simple today.   Remember you have access to many links by clicking the "link" button to the left, selecting and entering the subject, then click the link you want.
Read for at least 60 minutes total.
Science and Art Scholastic learn at home Day 12 - Rainbows
Recess make and run your own obstacle course.  Here is one idea to get you started Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course
Make today terrific and be a good Patriot!