Fun Friday! May 22, 2020

Good morning boys and girls! Are you ready for some warmer weather?  It will be here soon!  
Be sure to read at least 60 minutes today.  Reading IQ  and Bookflix (Learning20 Clifford) have many options for you.
I have awarded game time and new games to you on MobyMax.  Have you mastered your addition and subtraction Fact Fluency?  Take time today to review and improve those skills.
Meet your classmates and battle in Prodigy today.  Have some fun and keep growing your brain.
Join me for Zoom Class Meeting at 1PM  password is 2. We can share Flat Ms. Bauer adventures and I hope to candle some eggs for you.  I will have my chicken catalog handy so we can look at the breeds too.  I hope to see you today!
Make today a super Fun Friday!