About Me

Welcome to 2nd Grade!  I am excited to be your teacher.  This is my second year here at L. Hollingworth School.  It is a great place to work and learn.  This is quite an unusual time in our world, but we can succeed by helping each other.  A little about myself:  I'm Mom to three; have a border collie named Champ; I enjoy the outdoors, camping, and kayak fishing; I like to sew, bake cookies, drink coffee, and eat ice cream.  I absolutely LOVE school and learning.  I'm a graduate of BGSU and Florida International University.  I am dual licensed to teach Elementary Education and Specific Learning Disabilities.  I look forward to working with families to help students learn and grow.


Fun Friday May 8, 2020 Learning Plan

Good morning class!  Make today great!
Reading -  Last Friday you learned about Stanley and how he became flat.  Today learn about George in George Shrinks.  Please write about who you would rather be and why?  Use evidence from the text to support your answer.  (For example: I would rather be George because.....   In the story he......)
Be sure to read at least 60 minutes today.  You may also continue working in MobyMax
Math -  Today you may Play Prodigy  I see there is a land called Crystal Caverns.  Have you played there yet?
Social Studied and Movement - (don't forget Mother's Day is Sunday)  Here is a video to get you moving and maybe entertain your mom Learning Station Mother's Day
Science - Check out the online science festival through COSI Connects.  There are several at home projects you can try out with your family.  Record your experience in your home Science Journal.
Over the next day or so I will upload photos and descriptions of our new eggs.  I placed them into the incubator last night.  We begin to count the 21 days.  We have an additional thermometer and our eggs are from a different hatchery.  We will do our best and hopefully have a successful hatch.

Yay! The post office called!

Learning Plan Thursday May 7, 2020
The post office has our chicken eggs!  I am going to go pick them up this morning as well as drop off mail to be sent to each of you. Check your mailbox in the coming days.
Join me today for Class Meeting in Zoom 2:00PM I will be able to show you the eggs before putting them into the incubator.
Reading - Snuggle in with a warm blanket today and be sure to read at least 60 minutes total.  Enjoy the story of Luis and Tabitha ([email protected] vooks13)  and spend some time in your bookshelf on Reading IQ ([email protected] read13)
Math and Reading -  Continue your work in MobyMax.  This is the best way for you to be ready for your next teacher.
Science and Social Studies - As we again being the incubation of chicken eggs we will continue to review and learn more about life cycles.  Scroll to Day 14 Life Cycles . Read the stories and complete the activities.  Grow your brain!
Top Secret!!!!
Today's Mother's Day craft is a poem framework.  Find a nice sheet of paper and use your best handwriting to complete this descriptive poem about your mom.  
Loves ______, _______, and _______
Always says ________________________
Enjoys _______, ______, and _______
Wants to ___________________________
Is happiest when ______________________
Is loved by ___________________________
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, ________________  Age _____

Learning Plan Wednesday May 6, 2020

Good Morning!  The sun is shining and it looks to be a beautiful spring day.  Take time to enjoy it.
Reading -  Read a minimum of 60 minutes today.  You can start with this fun book on Vooks The Day Punctuation Came to Town. (my login [email protected] vooks13)  As you read today, pay extra attention to the punctuation and how it is important in reading and writing.
Math and Reading - MobyMax will keep your brain growing and help you to be ready for your next teacher.  We are getting closer to that time!  How exciting!
Science - When I opened my mailbox yesterday I was surprised by a little white spider. Yikes!  I just left it there and carefully took my mail.  I wonder if it will be there today..... For Science today your will learn about Spiders by reading the stories and completing the activities.  (login Learning20  Clifford)
Social Studies - TOP SECRET!!!!!  Mother's Day is Sunday.  Zayley asked for some crafting videos for cards or gifts.  Here is one idea for a pretty card, you can just use whatever paper you have at home.  If you add love to it I know it will turn out beautiful!  Card Craft  Take your time, pause the video as needed, enjoy it.
Have a super day!  Be awesome!

Learning Plan (take two)

Tuesday May 5, 2020
Good morning!  I miss you and I miss regular school.  Please join me today Class Zoom at 2:00PM
Reading -  How are you doing with your silent reading each day?  It is so very important that you continue your reading time.  I want you to be reading for your next teacher and not behind the class.  You can do it boys and girls!  Here's a Bookflix to get you started today Amazing Grace & Jackie Robinson
Math & Reading - MobyMax is where it's at!  Keep working at your level!  You're doing great!
Social Studies - Did you know the Olympics were scheduled for this Summer?  Unfortunately they had to be postponed because of the coronavirus.  I imagine the athletes feel very disappointed after working so hard to prepare.  Learn more about what it takes to compete with the best in the world by reading and completing the activities for The Girl With Olympic Dreams
Science - Mystery Science mini-lesson How do flowers bloom in the Spring?
After watching the lesson answer the following questions in your home Science Journal: 

1. How do flowers bloom in the spring?

2. What did this lesson make you curious about? What other questions do you have about flowers?

Bonus Activity: You can see for yourself how water moves inside a plant. Fill a glass with water and add a few drops of red or blue food coloring. Place a white flower in the glass. Wait a few hours and watch to see what happens. Look closely at the flower petals. What do you notice? Repeat this experiment, but use a stalk of celery or a lettuce leaf. What do you predict will happen?

Do your best today!  I hope you can join me in Class Zoom at 2:00PM


Happy Monday!

Learning Plan Monday May 4, 2020
Good Monday Morning!  I hope you enjoyed the beautiful, warm weather we had this weekend.  I was outside for hours and hours.  It was sure a nice change.
We're back to work this week with our continued learning from home.  
Reading and Math - MobyMax  Work carefully and keep going in Math, Fact Fluency for addition and subtraction, Reading, and Language.
Silent reading for at least 60 minutes total  Reading IQ is a great resource for you.  What do you want to read about today?  Use the search feature (it looks like a magnifying glass) to find books about topics you are interested in.  There are other reading links under the links button to the left.
Science and Social Studies -  Learn about The World's Most Dangerous Cat on Scholastic New.  Complete all the activities just as we would do at school.
Use the links to visit other teachers' pages for learning opportunities they've posted for you too.  
Get outside more today.  It's cooler, but the sun is out.
This week our new eggs should arrive and you may be receiving some mail from me. :-)  I miss you!!!!!!

Learning Plan Friday May 1, 2020

It's Fun Friday!  We have made it to May! 
Reading - As part of your silent reading today, enjoy this read aloud of Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure   (this is a clue for things to come.....)
Math - Look for your friends and battle on Prodigy  No one has answered any questions there this week.  I wonder how many questions you all can answer in just one day?  hmmmmmm.......I will let post the total for you
This week's challenge is still running in MobyMax
Dominic, Sherylann, and Aiden I are in the lead.  Can you catch them and win a new game and 60 minutes of bonus game time?  Try your best!
Science and Social Studies - I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream!  Check out The Scoop on Ice Cream.  Watch the video, study the vocabulary, read the article, complete the back page, and play the game.  What's your favorite cone to get?  I like twist with sprinkles......I see one in the not too distant future......yummy!
Want some more ice cream?  Here you go!  Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs and Milk to Ice Cream
Recess - Grab a partner and learn the ice cream handshake in Secret Handshakes #1 and have some fun with the Milkshake
Arts and Crafts - Feeling crafty and creative?  Try one of the ideas in this ice cream crafts video  You may share your creations during Zoom next week!
Work hard today and enjoy your weekend!  (I hope it includes eating some ice cream)

Learning Plan Thursday April 30, 2020

Good Morning!  Look what you did on MobyMax yesterday!
 Students: 12 active
- Time spent in subjects: 629 minutes
- Average time per student: 52 minutes
- Problems completed: 979
- Completed lessons: 814
- Completed standards: 13
- Certificates earned: 3
I will continue reading to you and we can chat today in Zoom at 10AM Class Meeting or 2PM Class Meeting
I added a little photo album called Dandelions on our classroom web page. Check it out.
Reading - Did you find any good jokes in Reading IQ yesterday?  I put two books on your shelf.  Be sure to read at least 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon today. Please continue your work in MobyMax Reading and Language tabs
Math - If you have achieved 100% in addition and subtraction Fact Fluency, CONGRATULATIONS!  Fact Fluency is now optional for you!  If you aren't at 100% in addition and subtraction yet, please spend extra time each day on it.  Everyone has shown progress and I am so proud of you all!
Continue your work in MobyMax Math and Fact Fluency today.
Social Studies - Let's review a little about different types of communities.  Scroll down to Day 4 - Communities to learn more about life on a farm.  Watch the video, read the books and complete the activity.  You are welcome to share your activity during Zoom.
Art - Follow along to Draw Communities with this video.  Remember to pause the video as needed.  You do not have to draw as fast as the teacher.  Try your best and enjoy your Art time.
RECESS - To start, get your grown-up to join you for Throwback Thursday - Footloose, then keep moving with my favorites Blazer Fresh Indoor Recess, and finally cool it down with Melting   I hope you enjoy some GoNoodle time today!
Have a terrific Thursday boys and girls!

Wednesday April 29, 2020 Learning Plan

Good morning!  We're halfway through our week and it looks like another nice spring day is in store.  We're going to keep it simple again today so that you can get outside more.  You may always use the links to the left to visit other teachers' pages and visit other learning options online.
Reading - Read on your own for at least an hour total.  Since the main character in our Zoom story is practicing jokes, I put two joke books on your Reading IQ bookshelf.  Enjoy!
Hera, Adrian, and Josie are in the lead with this week's contest in MobyMax Math, Fact Fluency, Reading and Language   Keep working on your assignments and growing your brain!
Science - Watch the videos (including a dance break!), study the vocabulary, read the article, complete the back page, and play the game on Scholastic as you learn why That Plant Stinks!  Our class code is 2brocks!
Bonus: While outside today, find a flower and see if you can name its parts.  You may record your observations in your home Science Journal.
Have super and wonderful day! miss you!

Learning Plan Tuesday April 28, 2020

Good morning!  The sun is out and hopefully stays out so you can enjoy it.  I went for a short walk yesterday and hope to take a longer walk today.  What can you do outside today?
Join me for Zoom today at 10:00AM  or at 2:00PM  We can visit, share and I can read to you.
Let's try to keep things simple today.   Remember you have access to many links by clicking the "link" button to the left, selecting and entering the subject, then click the link you want.
Read for at least 60 minutes total.
Science and Art Scholastic learn at home Day 12 - Rainbows
Recess make and run your own obstacle course.  Here is one idea to get you started Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course
Make today terrific and be a good Patriot!